For whom is psychotherapy suitable?


Psychotherapy serves not only people who want to overcome psychological problems, but also people who want to develop and make the best use of their resources and abilities.


What do you do in psychotherapy? 

My goal is to help people overcome individual difficulties while establishing an open and direct relationship with my clients. I approach your very individual issues in an appreciative and respectful manner. At any time you determine the pace and also what may not yet become a topic. 

Together we go on a treasure hunt for your personal resources and gradually work out suitable solutions for you. The systemic approach enables us to look at your challenges in a comprehensive context and thus to work together on sustainable changes. All to strengthen your confidence in your own abilities and for a life that is good for you.


Learn more about me and my path here.


frau mit hund

Possible topics for psychotherapy 

  • Depression, dejection, listlessness, joylessness

  • Anxiety, panic attacks, social insecurities

  • Interpersonal conflicts, lack of fulfilling relationships

  • Dissatisfaction, diminished well-being, unpleasant feelings

  • Impaired quality of life, inner pressure, increasing frustration in everyday life

  • Disturbance of self-image and self-worth

  • Stressful situations, unprocessed emotions and experiences

  • Drastic experiences that have not yet been dealt with

  • Physical complaints without sufficiently medically comprehensible causes

  • Overload, stress, burnout (states of exhaustion)

  • Sexuality, dealing with change, sexual orientation

  • Challenges due to distinct personality traits

Applied therapy methods 


The basis of my therapeutic work is systemic therapy, which is characterized by its appreciative and solution-oriented perspective and a variety of practical methods. The systemic approach makes it possible to look at your individual concerns in a comprehensive and resource-oriented way.


Depending on your symptoms, I might also include elements from behavioral therapy and other techniques or integrate elements from breath, body or art therapy. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training offer further possibilities to support the therapy process. It is my goal to find the best combination for you to support you the way you need it to feel better soon.



Learn more:

kopf mit glühbirne


What is the process of psychotherapy? 


In a detailed initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to share your concerns with me and discuss your medical history. This allows us to clarify a possible diagnosis according to ICD-10 and to jointly define an appropriate approach. We will then determine the framework and elements of your individual therapy process. Your needs and goals will be the focus as we work together to bring about positive change in your life.

Contact me for a non-binding call to get to know each other.

Costs for psychotherapy 


Call to get to know each other (15 minutes) = free of charge.
Please contact me during the telephone consultation hours


Initial consultation / anamnesis (approx. 90 minutes) = 145,00 €

Therapy session (50 minutes) = 95,00 €

Double session (75 minutes) = 145,00 €

Reference person session (approx. 90 minutes) = 175,00 €


Under certain conditions, I offer a social tariff for low-income earners. You can find more information here


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