
Hurdles and challenges


My life and career path has not always been straightforward. I have experienced different professional and private stages. I have had to deal with setbacks and overcome a number of hurdles. At times, I had also reached my limits.


This motivated me to explore the connection between body, mind and soul even more deeply and to understand more precisely how our environment, our "framework conditions" can also influence our emotional and mental well-being.


I have therefore studied various approaches and philosophies along the way and invested time in self-awareness and self-healing. Over the years, I have learned a variety of valuable tools and methods and have also discovered my "great love", systemic thinking. Today, this benefits not only me, but also my clients.



Körper, Geist und Seele Über mich

Body, mind and soul


I firmly believe that physical and emotional well-being are inextricably linked.


That's why I started working as a body therapist and yoga teacher in 2011 to support people on their path to a more balanced life.


In recent years, I have expanded my knowledge by training as a breathwork facilitator and seminar leader for autogenic training.


These body-based approaches can be particularly helpful in the treatment of anxiety disorders and burnout prevention and can also be used to improve personal performance. I integrate them into the coaching and therapy processes with my clients and offer them as individual services.


Here you can learn more about Breath Therapy and Autogenic Training.

Systemic therapy and coaching


I came across the systemic approach in 2019. Since then, it has formed the basis of my coaching and therapy processes, which I enhance individually with additional methods and techniques.


Looking at people holistically in their systems, looking at them and their concerns in an appreciative and solution-oriented way, creating space for new perspectives and (re)discovering resources together - this describes my way of working with my clients.


I am convinced that we always have the solutions to our challenges within ourselves. Sometimes we just need a little support to find them. Someone who asks the right questions, perhaps looks at things from a different perspective and believes in us. I am happy to help.



Communication and creativity


I can look back on a long career in the creative industry and also bring expertise from this field to my work.


For me, creativity is not only a catalyst for ideas, but also a form of expression of our life energy. And so I have also trained as an art therapist. Sometimes it is not easy for clients to put their experiences or feelings into words. Creative techniques often prove helpful in such cases. "A picture is sometimes worth a thousand words".


I am very grateful for the skills I have learned and the variety of methods I have gained from them, which allows me to offer solutions that are as customized as possible for my clients.


In this way, I can offer many very different people the best support in my coaching, counseling and psychotherapy to lead a happier life again and achieve their goals through very individual solutions.



How can I support you?


People and their lives are diverse and very individual. I like to offer a safe space in which you do not feel judged.


I treat my clients with patience, understanding and an open ear and I am always grateful for the many things I can learn from them by accompanying them on their journey.

I look forward to getting to know you. Everyone is welcome. 

Contact me for a non-binding first telephone conversation.

 Learning for life


I have completed training and further education courses and seminars at various institutes in the following areas, among others:

  • Systemic counseling, therapy and diagnostics

  • Sexual and couples counseling

  • Art and creativity therapy

  • Trauma-sensitive breath therapy

  • Behavioural therapy interventions 
    for anxiety, compulsions, depression

  • Schema therapy and DBT

  • Talk therapy according to Carl Rogers

  • Working with the inner team

  • Healing the inner child

  • Autogenic training

  • Yoga and massage therapy
