Every Person Is Part of Systems 


These "systems" can consist of people, relationships, ideas and processes. We find this in family or work environments, for example.


The systemic approach views people and their life situations as part of a large, interconnected system - similar to a mobile.

Imagine that a mobile consists of different elements that are all interconnected. If one part of the mobile starts to move, this has an impact on the other parts.

Similarly, the systemic approach looks at the interactions and relationships between the different aspects of a life - be it in relationships, family, work or personal development.

The changes or developments in one area can have an impact on other areas and it is important to understand these connections in order to find effective solutions.


When you start to change, there will also be changes in your system, just like a mobile. This dynamic can often overhaul entrenched patterns and structures, allowing new things to emerge.

systemic approach

Clarity through System Observation 


By taking a closer look at the systems to which we belong, we can better recognize patterns and mechanisms. The systemic approach, for example, assumes that we have been shaped by the patterns and dynamics of our own environment of origin. Some of these patterns and ways of thinking make life easier, others make life more difficult to cope with.


It is about identifying different patterns of behavior, reactions, effects and roles. Changing your perspective and recognizing patterns and beliefs is the first step towards positive change. By looking at the "big picture" and recognizing the connections, you can help to promote positive change and create a healthy balance in the system.

Positive Change Can Be Learned 


The concept of the "system" helps to better understand complex relationships and makes it possible to use this knowledge in counseling, therapy or coaching to promote positive change.


People who have difficulties are often symptom carriers of a faulty system. It doesn't have to stay that way permanently!


You can learn to recognize the system in order to influence your life more consciously, strengthen beneficial patterns and transform less helpful patterns by using new ways of thinking.

Systemischer Ansatz

systemic approach principles

Principles of My Systemic Work 


 1. Interactions

2. Neutrality and Acceptance

3. Resource Orientation

4. Goal and Solution-Oriented

5. Context and Environment

6. Circularity