"It's never too late for a happy childhood". 


This intensive program invites you to embark on a profound journey to understand and heal your inner child and connect positively with your past.


What can you expect in this self-healing program?


Our program spans eight inspiring weeks with four weekend group seminars. You will have the opportunity to come together with like-minded people in a safe space to begin your personal journey.

Each weekend seminar is designed to offer you valuable insights and tools to enhance your inner healing. In each seminar you will receive small assignments to take home to deepen your process there.



Zoom calls for guidance


Between each weekend seminar, there will be a Zoom Call to clarify questions, share experiences, and continue the journey. 

You will have the opportunity to learn from each other's stories and insights, and to support and share with each other as a group.


Private sessions for deepening


Two private sessions are scheduled for each participant. In these personal sessions, you will have the opportunity to discuss your individual issues with me more intensively. 


My focus is on offering customized support and providing space for personal breakthroughs and healing.

 Part 1 "Understanding and Healing the Inner Child".

In this first part, we explore the basics of inner child work together. You will learn how past experiences influence your current behavior and emotions. Through specific exercises and reflections, we create a space to strengthen your inner connection to your inner child and initiate healing.


Part 2 "Genogram and biography work".

In the second part of the program, we dive deep into your family history. By creating a genogram, you will gain valuable insights into family patterns, relationships and formative events.


Then we look specifically at your own life story to reflect on it and help you understand previously undiscovered connections.

part 1  - childhood


 Why should you participate?


This program offers you the opportunity to meet yourself in a profound way and to make lasting changes.


By understanding and healing your inner child, you can improve your quality of life, release emotional blockages and have a positive influence on your present and future.


I myself have benefited greatly from this work on my personal journey and would now like to bring it closer to other people. I invite you to experience this transformative journey with me. 


Invest in your inner healing now.


Do you have any questions or would you like to secure a place on the next intensive seminar "It's never too late for a happy childhood"?


Simply contact me during office hours or via the contact form.